Peter Pan Jr. Play 2023
February 9 - 10, 2023
Click here to view the playbill
Dear Cast of Peter Pan Jr.,
Mr. Miller and I are so proud of your dedication to this performance. Peter Pan Jr. is the largest cast we have produced. You each play an integral role in making it a success. You have shown our school expectations in every aspect of your preparation. You have been RESPECTFUL to your castmates and director during practice. You have been ORDERLY when transitioning to various rehearsal rooms/areas. You have been ATTENTIVE when given direction or feedback to adjust and refine your role. Most of all you have demonstrated what it means to be a RESPONSIBLE panther. You have prepared and practiced! This is your moment! I cannot wait to watch you shine!
With admiration,
Mrs. Hannon
“Keep adventuring and stay not a grown-up.” ~Peter Pan